Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Cool new things Stella does

I always forget the cool things Stella does, so I'm going to take a moment to chronicle them:

This morning she was playing with her ball and said "ball"
Yesterday she said "hi, doggie" (sounded more like "dogah")
We think she said "gotta go" Sunday night when we were leaving the Larsons
She added a new dance move to her repertoire this Saturday. I promise to post the video ASAP.
She read her book out loud the entire time Tim took a shower this morning.

We had the best weekend. Saturday morning we got up and went to the Austin Ice Cream Festival with the Larsons and the Holmeses. Stella LOVED dancing to the band that was playing. She threw a fit when the music ended and we left. We also took her to her first petting zoo. She wanted to pet all the animals and wave at them and say "hi." Of course, it was a million degrees, so we were all extremely sweaty, but it was still fun.
Saturday night, Tim and I went to see Mr. Marmalade, which was excellent, then afterwards got to hang out with Nicole, Steven, Eric, Scott and Michael. It was a blast, although I drank WAY too much and felt like crap pretty much all day Sunday. I also blew my extra points, so I'm trying to figure out where I can eat dinner tonight with Seth, Mindy and Oli where I can get cardboard to chew on.
Sunday we ate at Galaxy (fun), cleaned out the garage (not fun), and went to dinner at the Larsons (fun). All in all a very busy, good weekend!


mamashine said...

I must just say I love her shoes. :)

shoeaddict said...

Was gonna say the same thing