Sunday, July 22, 2007

Stop Kiss

Let's just blog about this past week backwards, shall we? Last night and this afternoon I did a reading of Stop Kiss at Sam Bass. No one came and saw it, unfortunately, but the 9 people who did see it (for free I might add), really liked it. And I totally fell in love with my character by the end of it. I can't wait for Spring when Karen does it for Different Stages. I'm going to audition and totally camp out on Karen's front porch until she lets me play Callie again. Of course, she may be a wee sick of me since she'll also be directing me as Patsy in Little Murders shortly before that, but we'll see. I've got charm to spare, lemme tell you;)

We also went out after the reading last night and had a B-L-A-S-T! I'm telling you, the Round Rock TGI Friday's didn't know what hit them. It was me, Frank, Jennie, Karen, Irene (visiting from Tennessee), Keith, Julie with the curly hair and Tim, and we just totally theatre geeked out. And politicked out too. I love those folks, gotta' make sure to see them more often!

1 comment:

Kate said...

I heard you were great! And yes, you have charm to spare.

Send me some? ;)