Friday, August 29, 2008

Stella's Big Announcement

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So in case you are not well-versed in Stella speak and couldn't understand what she said, she indeed said, "I Be Big Sister!" Yes, that's right, Tim and I are expecting our second little bundle of joy, 5 days after Stella's 3rd birthday. March 29th is my due date. I'll be 10 weeks Sunday and we heard the heartbeat at our doctor's appointment this past Tuesday, so I've been trying to get around to actually posting this all week. We're very excited, can't wait to add to our family, although I have to admit this pregnancy has been much harder than Stella. With Stella I was never sick, but with BabyBean I've had morning, noon and night sickness since the day after the pregnancy test came back positive! Luckily just nausea though. Anyway, I don't know if that means it's a boy or just a diva, but we'll find out in November! We get an ultrasound in 3 weeks, but that'll just check everything out, I don't think you get to find out the gender until 20 weeks:( But maybe we've got a flasher. HA!

I bet I'll post more now that I can post about being pregnant and all that entails! Now I'm going to try and figure out how to get those LilyPie Ticker things up on my blog. If anyone has any advice, I'd appreciate it!


mamashine said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! How fun! I'm excited for you. :)

Robert Matney said...


Kate said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you guys!

Sorry that you're feeling so nauseous!

yer mama said...

Congrats again!

I was very nauseous both pregnancies. I HIGHLY recommend small slices of lemon in warm water.

Stella will be an awesome big sister.

Mindy said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news!

"morning" sickness is a total misnomer.

Julie H. said...

Yay!!! Congratulations!! :)