Sunday, September 30, 2007
Car dealerships give me hives, but I had resigned myself that I would just be calm, let Tim do all the talking, and either accept the appraisal they gave us or not. I would be cool as a cucumber. Well, I thought I was, but Tim thinks I was still mean to the salesman or something. I swear, I should have sent him by himself. We thought we had an appointment, but we had to wait a few minutes anyway when we got there. A sales guy came up and introduced himself, then launched into how things are different at Carmax, blah, blah, blah, and he was totally heading out to the lot, when I was like, "you know we're just here to have our car appraised, right? We're not buying a car. I mean, I just wanted to let you know so we didn't waste your time." And the guy just stared at me. He was one of those people who appeared to have no facial expression. So I couldn't read him at all. Tim chimed in with, "we're not buying a car at all." And I said, "yeah, we're going from two cars to one." Still, the staring, like we each had two heads or something. But the guy starts the spiel for the appraisal. We go back to the waiting area again and Tim says that I was mean to the salesguy (I don't know why Tim thinks you need to baby salesguys, but that's a different story), but I have no clue what was mean about that. We got into a bit of an argument about it (as much of an argument as we have, anyway), and I was like, "should I have waited until he'd gotten us out on the lot and we were going for a test drive in cars we weren't going to buy before I said something?" I neglected to mention this, but we were on a very tight timetable. And Tim was like, "no, but you just get all defensive in car dealerships, you attacked him." Argh! So I said, "fine I won't do any of the talking from here on out." Of course, the problem with that is that if I don't talk, it will just be silent. Tim's a head-nodder, not a talker. So we go to the guy's office and there are pictures of a baby that I, (correctly), assumed was his grandchild. So I decide to talk to him about that since I want to make it clear to this guy that I don't have it out for him, that I am a nice person. So we had a nice discussion about that and I felt like the air was cleared. Although, based on a couple of other points in our conversation, I think this guy was just a bit odd.
While they carried out the appraisal, we went back to the waiting room, which was actually kind of fun because the UT game was on, and UT was getting their asses handed to them on a platter, and everyone in the waiting room was bonding over what an awful game it was. We were laughing because what else could you do? But Tim said, "I think the sales guy thinks that we're trying to play a game with him and we really are buying a car." I was like, "who cares what the sales guy thinks? I feel like I have been incredibly well behaved today!" Tim said I was being defensive. Anyway, we went back in, the guy revealed the appraisal, it was better than we hoped for, we accepted it, went back and watched UT get tromped a little more, then went home with our money, minus our car.
Oh, funny sidenote to the UT tromping. A guy came in wearing a Notre Dame shirt and he looked at the score (as everyone did as they came through the room) and said, "oh, man!" I was like, you probably wish you didn't come in here, don't you? And he was like, "no, I went to Notre Dame and all my friends have been giving me crap all season" (in case you didn't know, Notre Dame is 0-5, their worst season ever), "and so now I can give them crap!" It was awesome. He was text messaging them and giving us their responses.
So if you need a used car, go to CarMax, they seem pretty cool and you'll bond with people in the waiting room. Although we didn't bond with the woman feeding her 3 year old fruit loops. Seriously, he had the big bag of fruit loops, directly from the box, and was eating them and just vibrating from all the sugar. Tim thought he was "special", that's how sugar-high he was.
Oh, and the title of this post? Selling the Golf put us over the top. We're at our goal of saving 20% down for the house!!!
I've Been Locked Out!
So last Saturday night, Tim's parents were both out of town, so we had Anna, Sean, Ian and Erin over for dinner. Anna and Sean left when the very patient Daniel got so tired he couldn't take it anymore, and Ian and Erin left a little before two. Tim went to bed about 1am, so I came in and showed them to the door, then went back to the porch to get the baby monitor and a glass that had been left outside. I went to go back in and the porch door was locked! Tim's parents locks are such that if you lock the bottom lock, you'll lock yourself out. We try to never lock them, of course, so I guess either Ian or Erin had kind of automatically locked the door. Crap, I thought. First thing I did was run out front to see if Ian and Erin were still here, but they were gone. I got a little freaked out, but I knew Tim's parents had left a key in the garage in a secret place and there was alledgedly a clear path through all our belongings to the key. So I opened the garage door with the keypad and looked for the so-called "clear path". Right, negative on that one. No clear path. There was tons of stuff piled in front of the key location. So I said, forget that, I'm not going to try to move all that stuff. I may have had a few drinks. I can neither confirm or deny that. So I decided I'd go back to the backyard and throw rocks at the room where Tim was sleeping. I threw every freakin' rock in that backyard at that window (surprisingly I have really good aim when I am fighting off hysterics at 2 in the morning), but it didn't budge Tim. He's a very heavy sleeper, and he had the box fan on, so who knows if he could hear anything. So I shed a few tears, tried to think clearly, thought about walking to the gas station, but they close at 1, as does HEB. I thought perhaps I could call the house from those places. But then I realized that if Tim couldn't hear the rocks, there was no way he'd hear the phone ring on the other side of the house. I then tried the doorbell. I rang it over and over again, Lucy was barking her head off, but it did no good. So finally, I went back to the garage, took a deep breath, and decided that it was the only way I was not going to spend the night in the backyard on the grass.
I moved the jogging stroller, then tried to move Tim's bike, but it was stuck on the bookshelf, so I climbed over it, getting lots of bike grease all over me in the process. Oh, right, did I mention I was wearing a skirt?
Side note: why is bike grease so hard to get off? I scrubbed and scrubbed at that stuff every day in the shower, but it just finally completely disappeared yesterday.
Then I moved that stupid gray pylon that we bought for Scaping the Goat and keep "just in case" we ever need it again. Then I moved the circular saw. Then I was able to climb up on the yellow kitchen stool, which by this point only had one box left on it, and survey how much further I had to go. Unfortunately, I had a tower of purple rubbermaid bins stacked 3 or 4 high, then ANOTHER tower of boxes behind that, then a no man's land of about 2-3 feet square of open space, then the location of the key. In fact, I could see the key from my perch, I just couldn't see how the heck I was going to get to it.
I freaked out again before I just said, "I've got to go for it. I've got to commit to this and pray I don't fall on my head or break my leg." So I climbed back onto the stool, then lay across the rubbermaid bins and used all my reaching power to get to the key. Now I just had to hold my breath and hope that I didn't drop the key into the no man's land. But I didn't! I managed to bring the key safely back and was able to get back into the house! I was so mad at Tim by the time I got in I could have pummeled him, but he'd been asleep the whole time and the poor guy had no clue why his wife was yelling at him at 2:30 in the morning.
So that's my story. Hopefully it's the last time I'll be locked out. I'm definitely tempted to take my keys whenever I step outside now!
Friday, September 28, 2007
My Child's Doll is Slowly Poisoning Her!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
It's Eating me Alive!
This morning I decided to go through my closet and purge some of the clothes that don't fit me anymore. Tim and I are currently sharing a smaller than we're used to closet at his parent's house, so there's no reason to waste valuable space with clothes that look more like a tent than something you'd wear. I tried a few things on that fit me pre-pregnancy and they were comically large. Like I could have stuck Stella in there and used it as a cheap baby-carrier. So even though the scale says I have about a pound to go to my pre-pregnancy weight, I'm obviously already past it, especially since I'm in a whole size smaller than I was pre-pg. I think that the scale I was using pre-pregnancy and during my pregnancy was obviously really bad. I just continued to use it because it showed a weight much lower than the digital (and probably actually accurate), scale I bought during pregnancy. I had a complicated formula I would use to figure out my weight by using both scales. Pathetic, I know. But it felt really good to purge some stuff and hopefully I can get a few bucks at Buffalo Exchange for the few pairs of Levis and Gap jeans and pants I'm getting rid of. The rest are going into another rubbermaid bin to be pulled out as I grow and shrink with future babies.
I don't think I ever blogged about this, but right before our vacation I had a weird itchy rash on my forearm just above my wrist. I finally went to the doc because it was driving me crazy and he said it was poison ivy, gave me some steroid cream and it pretty much cleared up. Well it's back. Very odd. I've been using the steroid cream as directed, and I can't believe I would get Poison Ivy again in the same exact place. It's a series of pink little bumps. I noticed it getting bumpy again last night while I was wearing one of my bracelets, one I've worn for about 10 years, so it doesn't make since that I suddenly have a reaction. But I definitely won't be wearing it for a while. Sad, since it's my favorite and I always get lots of compliments on it. Hopefully the rash will go away again. I think I'm only supposed to use the cream through tomorrow, so I might need to call the doc and see if I can continue to use it past then. It is a steroid cream and I don't want to start growing a moustache or see my boobs shrink any further past where they already have due to my weight loss;)
Wow, is this a rambling post or what? I also never blogged about the really cool modern furniture store Tim and I went to Saturday. It's in Kyle, of all places, but it actually has some things I could see myself being able to afford. It's more expensive than Ikea, but also probably much better quality, and it certainly doesn't reach the insane price tag of Design Within Reach (reach of who, oil magnates?), or Copenhagen. We really loved this chair, and it was quite comfy and definitely comparable to an Ikea chair price. They also had the coolest sofa that converted into a sleeper. Great for when your friends have a little too much to drink and need to spend the night or for kids to sleep on. It was only $699 or something like that in the store, though. In fact, a lot of the prices seemed to be lower in the store. But it got me really excited about decorating the new house. I want to go modern. And it feels like this time we already have furniture so we can take our time and get one piece here, one piece there, so that we can make the house look how we want. I can't wait!
We haven't been to the house in a week because of my rehearsals, so hopefully we can go tomorrow and see what they've done. It looks like from the road that they are already putting shingles on! The word from Jamie is that they are going to be putting the mechanicals in the next two weeks. We're still on for a November close date, too. Keep your fingers crossed for a dry fall!
Why I could never live in Manhattan
Of course, now he's going to have a baby and it sounds like they have not really faced up to the dilemma of where they are going to put him. Good luck with that folks. Sure he can sleep with you, but you have a LOFT BED eight feet in the air! Perhaps they can put bedrails on it to keep their infant from taking a nasty tumble in the middle of the night...
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Toddler Power Struggles
Monday, September 24, 2007
Stella's a Year and a Half!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
You know, there are some advantages to living with your in-laws. Rather than cleaning or doing house projects on a Saturday afternoon while your daughter naps, you can waste time on the internets. Woot!
Friday, September 21, 2007
I added Links!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Things I want in my new house
We finally got our copy of the 2008 Ikea catalog and I was scanning it last night and decided on at least one thing I must have in our new house: a desk/table for my sewing machine with all my sewing supplies, gift wrapping, and craft supplies in cabinets right there. I found the perfect table, although I can't find it online. It's black with this really cool white flower design, and really neat ornate metal legs. Tim thinks the legs are "too girly", which of course means they are perfect for a sewing/gift wrapping/craft table which is, by definition, "girly". I can't decide whether to set up my station in the office downstairs or the play room upstairs. I guess I have plenty of time to make up my mind:)
UPDATE: I just drove by and they are putting on the siding, yay!
She's broken
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Greetings from Port A!
We are having a great time doing NOTHING! We swim in the ocean, then the pool, then the hot tub, then sit outside on our balcony watching the waves roll in and then we come in and watch some completely mindless CABLE TV (I am so addicted to "Tori and Dean: Inn Love, btw), and then we sleep late and then we do it all over again. So relaxing and so much fun. Tim has decided he wants to move to Corpus, and we both decided we want to open a Bed and Breakfast and host gay weddings (Tori and Dean had one on their show and it made us get all teary because it was so sweet.) Of course, we want to get our daughter before we start our new life on the mainland. We miss her terribly. It's really bad at night, we both feel like if we just got one hug from her, we'd be fine. I think we would have driven home today if we hadn't already paid for tonight. But I think we need one more dinner out, some drinks in the hot tub and the pool, and another dip in the ocean tomorrow morning before we head back. As much as we miss Stella, it has been WONDERFUL just hanging out the two of us, reconnecting and doing whatever the heck we feel like doing. I recommend it for everyone!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Stella's first haircut!
At the haircut place, they let her choose which car she wanted to sit in (I chose the yellow car), and they asked me what cartoon I wanted her to watch. I said since she doesn't watch tv, it doesn't matter. The stylist, Grace, chose Elmo, which I was pretty happy with since it's Sesame Street and I feel like it's at least a little educational. And it wound up having a Singing Bear that wore Leiderhosen, so that was beyond awesome. I just told the stylist that if she winds up begging me for Elmo, I'll know who to blame. She didn't laugh. Anyway, as soon as the stylist put on the video, Stella was mesmerized. This is one of the biggest benefits of not letting your child watch tv. If they see tv, they're like a zombie, they just stare at it and you could have a 3 ring circus going on around them and she probably wouldn't notice. Stella didn't really like the spray bottle, but other than that she was quite patient. They let her have a free hairbow as part of the $1 "First Haircut Package" and she gripped onto it throughout the haircut. We also got a polaroid of her in a little commemorative card with some of her hair in it and the date and time of the first haircut. Beyond worth the $1 it cost.
Pre-professional haircut:
Friday, September 07, 2007
Stella cuteness and her new (future) best friend
The frame of the first floor:
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Awesome weekend
We had a GREAT Labor Day Weekend, which I think we really deserved with all the stress in our lives lately. Saturday we went to the Holmeses for their housewarming/last party in their apartment. It was a great party, with good beer, absolutely delicious food, and great conversation. Jeff made the most heavenly grilled chicken and pork and Erin made spicy grilled pineapples that were so spicy I couldn't even eat it, which says something, since I love the spice! Everyone had a great time, although the babies were starting to melt down by the time we left.
The baby band photo. Stella, of course, is the prima donna singer
Sunday morning we went to church for the first time in a few weeks and actually, gasp, enjoyed ourselves! Even though church ran over by 22 minutes, (but who's counting?), it was a laid-back fun service without the guilt that I feel like they've been heaping on lately. Also, we've both been kind of soured on religion lately because we're living with the super-Christians. Then Sunday we went to another fantastic party, a pool party at Karen and Jennie's. It was so much fun. Everyone was there and Stella just loved being in the pool. Tim spent the entire time keeping Stella entertained, although he did have some help from Karen. He was like super-dad. And I got totally wasted without meaning to. Some guy poured me a giant glass of wine and after that I was toast. Wow, I sound like a teenager. Anyway we stayed until Stella was wiped out. Swimming in the rain
Monday we didn't really have a plan, other than to go drive and do something. Our initial plan had been to drive to Llano for some delicious Cooper's barbecue, but then, due to my inebriated state, I'd blown all my extra points at Karen and Jennie's. Well really, at all 3 of the parties that weekend. So instead we decided to drive to Salado. Tara and Jeff invited us over for barbecue, but we were just so partied out and really wanted to spent time as a family. Plus I had no points left and I know I would have had a hard time being good if Jeff had grilled more of what he made Saturday.
Salado was "eh". We figured all the shops would be open because it was Labor Day, but they were all closed, either because of the holiday or because it was a Monday. Plus, Stella didn't really want to sit in her stroller, so we either had to carry her or let her walk. And there was absolutely no eating establishments open, so when Stella's snack time came, we had to leave. But we actually still had a really nice time. When we first got there, we stopped at a park so that I could go to the bathroom and Stella could blow off some steam. Stella had a blast on the playground. Then we went over to the water, which was just beautiful. We couldn't believe there was this free park right on the water. Because we didn't have swimsuits, Stella and I waded in a little. Stella loved it, and in fact, threw a huge fit when it was time to go.
So that's pretty much the re-cap. Tonight we're going to go to the new house and walk through the frame! Tim went last night while I was at rehearsals, but of course, I have to go too. Maybe they'll have the second story framed by then. Keep your fingers crossed!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
House, house, aren't you tired of hearing about my house?
So now that our house is going to actually be a reality instead of just a dream, we are, as I mentioned earlier, going into full-on saving mode. I had time this afternoon while everyone else took naps to do a budget, and if we stick to my not-incredibly tight budget, we will be within a $1,000 and change of our downpayment if our house is ready November 1st. That's assuming we get $5k for Tim's car, which I think is doable, but you never know what will happen. If our house is ready later than November 1st (which I'm sure it will be), and if we are just a little bit more frugal with our budget, I think we can get that extra money. I know that we can do a 2nd mortgage for that little amount (we're already approved for one), but I really want to avoid all those fees!
Wow, I'm turning this into some sort of finances blog, how boring, sorry! Perhaps I should spin off and do a separate blog for my budgeting woes like Kelli did with her food blog.
That's all for now. Stella's asleep and I need to get her up and waking Tim up so we can go off to Karen and Jennie's party!