Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Baby Yoga is cool!

Okay, it actually isn't baby yoga, it's post-natal yoga, but you can bring your baby. And there were TONS of Mamas and babies there, which means it was noisy, and adorable and crowded. It was great! I finally got out of the house in time to go. The class starts at 10:30am on Tuesdays and while I get up before 10:30, it's difficult to get somewhere by then. But Stella and I made it today. There was another Stella there, the first we've met. I forgot to ask how old she was, she was tiny. Of course, most of the babies seemed tiny compared to Stella. I think they're all newborns until I realize that Stella is in the 75th percentile in size. That means 3 out of 4 babies are going to be smaller than her. So really, it makes sense that they were mostly smaller. It was a very noisy room, but still really nice. We were told to tend to our babies, feed our babies, change our babies whenever we needed to. It was hardly a workout, but it was cool to get to bond with Stella on the moves we got to do with our babies. Stella was a trooper, although she unfortunately got a little overwhelmed in the middle when we did a bunch of stuff with our babies. By the "Yoga Hokey-Pokey" I think she'd had enough. And a bunch of the Mamas were going to The Alamo to see a movie this afternoon (Tuesdays are baby day, bring your baby to the movie!). I couldn't make it, but they do it every week, so i hope to go in the future.
Ashley taught me the kangaroo hold when she brought me my new gorgeous sling Friday and I have Stella in it right now. (check out www.littlepepperpouches.com for great deals on the coolest slings you'll ever see. I don't think she has the site finished, but you can email her for more info.) This sling fits better than the first one she made me (which is also gorgeous), and it was much easier to get Stella in it. She was really enjoying it at first, but does seem a little frustrated at not being able to stretch out her long limbs. I guess it's like being stuck in coach for a baby. But I can type and have her close to me, which is totally cool!
I couldn't find a picture of her in my sling, but the one at the top is of Stella in Tim's cool sling that Ashley also made for him.

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