Monday, October 16, 2006

Our Baby's All Grown Up!

Not really, but we did put Stella in her room by herself for the first time last night. I was really procrastinating doing it, and would get weepy whenever I even thought of it, but after several nights of very little sleep, figured it couldn't possibly get any worse. So Tim set her crib up in her room and we left her to sleep all alone. I wasn't actually really that upset. But our room does seem very empty and huge. I would love to report that on her first night in her room by herself miracles happened and that she slept through the night. I would be lying. She woke up at 1:30, 2:30 and 5:30 and didn't want to go back to sleep after she ate at 5:30, but Tim managed to get her to sleep until 7. The only difference from previous nights was that I had to walk into the room next door when she woke up, rather than just get out of bed and turn to the crib. But still, I'm sure we slept better. And it was nice not having to dread going to the bathroom for fear of waking up Stella. Although it was really odd because I kept waking up totally disoriented. We switched sides of the bed again, back to our pre-Stella sides so I would be back by the door instead of by the crib, plus we no longer had the nightlight that had lit our room for the past 6 and a half months, so when I woke up I really had no clue where I was. It was strange. I think I actually got up and went to Tim's side of the bed once when Stella woke up.

On another note, Toys R' Us really sucks. Stella and I went there today to search for a present for Henry, who turns One on Saturday with a Birthday Bash that I'm sure all the babies will be talking about for years to come, as well as a ball for Stella, and reflectors for Tim's jogging stroller. The toys were WAY overpriced. And they didn't have any balls, in fact sports had been relegated to a single aisle. No wonder our kids are so fat! And they didn't have any reflectors. Plus Stella and I were totally overwhelmed by the brightness and loudness of the place. Although I did see some really cute toys Stella told me she wants to add to her Christmas list:)

I had a dream last night that Stella just started walking. At 7 months old. Tim and I would astounded. It was such a weird dream.

That's enough rambling for now, I guess.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Ooo, Christmas presents. I might brave the evil Toys R Us to get something for your angel.